Polytechnique Montréal
- Instructor
- Differential Equations - MTH1115
- Scientific Computing for Engineers - MTH2210A/C (25 times)
- Linear Algebra for Engineers - MTH1007 (1 time)
- Lead instructor (Winter 2020)
- Scientific Computing for Engineers - MTH2210A
- Teaching assistant (2012-2019)
- Scientific Computing for Engineers - MTH2210A/C (20 times)
- Linear Algebra for Engineers - MTH1007 (1 time)
California State University Long Beach
- Instructor
- Advanced Mathematical Modeling - MATH579 (1 time)
- Mathematical Modeling - MATH479 (1 time)
- Introduction to Numerical Analysis - MATH323 (1 time)
Michigan State University
- Instructor (2021-2022)
- Computational Modeling and Data Analysis I - CMSE201 (3 times)
- Introduction to Computational Modeling and Data Analysis - CMSE801 (2 times)